USA Independence Day Kilted Cookout
We celebrated our country's birthday yesterday with a kilted cookout at my son Brian's house. Three of us were kilted. Me, Davey (dbeauchamp), and my son Brian.

Me and my four sons.

We had the traditional hamburgers and hotdogs, along with kabobs, and washed it all down with iced tea (the house wine of the South). As some of you may recall, I recently hosted the XMTS Quaich. I enjoyed that so much that I now have my own Quaich, and we christened it yesterday.
I charged the Quaich with Old Pulteney 12 (the whisky of my clan), took a sip, and passed it around the table. It came back to my sweetie (carolinanan117), and she made sure it was empty before she gave it back to me. 

After we got home, we spent several hours playing our country's favorite guessing game -- is that fireworks or gunshots?
Last edited by ASinclair; 4th July 14 at 09:56 PM.
Reason: added picture of me and my sons
Allen Sinclair, FSA Scot
Eastern Region Vice President
North Carolina Commissioner
Clan Sinclair Association (USA)