Only a gutter kilt junkie would do this.

James, the VP of Sportkilt who posts to this board, still hasn't responded to my email of 10/2 trying to get a full size Macdonald sash. The one they shipped with my order was only 66" long...the nice lady at the office said the others are 90+"...but oh well, the Macdonald's are just short...

When I saw James post thought maybe he'd answer his email being a VP and all. So far, nada...and I've never received an answer from the email on their website...Seamus I think.

Knowing all this I found myself ordering sox from them tonight...I like the sox they sell. Got the fever and wound up ordering 8 pairs of sox... then a flash...then another Sportkilt.

When I tried to order on line the website wanted me to remember my password. I gotta have a password to place an order??? Makes no sense and I can't find that I ever wrote one down from the first order.

No sweat, says I can order without a the website chandges its mind and says I need the password to place the order...but says its probably already sent my password to my email.

Well, it was password in the email...wait and wait and wait...nada...finally start hacking. Finally hacked into the password I apparently used a few months ago and didn't write down where I could find it again. Took about 45 minutes to place the order...

Its only $170 and change....probably peanuts to them...gonna be interesting to see what happens. I did include a request in the notes section for the VP James to please answer my email of 10/2...

But damn...a healthy person doesn't do this...they just walk away....and I did it knowing full well I'm gonna have to launder the cigarette smoke out of everything whenever it arrives...if I haven't made their "black list" which the only reason I can figure for the customer "no-service" to date.

I think any shrink could easily diagnose me as both addicted and a masochist.

Which reminds me... Sadist and masochist walking down the street. Masochist to Sadist: "Beat me, beat me." Sadist to masochist: "No way."

Think I'll go slip on a kilt, assume the fetal position, and suck my thumb while I wait for some sign of life from the Sportkilt people....