"Go-to" Socks
I recently picked up a few pair of socks, bringing my list to: 1-dark blue, 1-light blue, 1-light heather grey, 1-dark grey, 1-bottle green, 1-scarlet, 1-brown, 1-sage with light grey turn overs, 1-claret/black diced, 1-red/white diced, and most recently 1-brown. Until I picked up this last pair, my go-to pair with nearly any outfit (at least when I don't feel like trying) was my dark grey. However, in spite of my initial uncertainty about the brown ones, I think they may be giving grey some competition. I like the fact that they stand in contrast to nearly all of my kilts (except my brown/tan philabeg), and my red garter ties stand out beautifully against them.
So what are your go-to socks?
Keep your rings charged, pleats in the back, and stay geeky!