I do have a black leather sporran and chain, but it's very plain, and more Traditional Pakistani Dress, than TCHD. Shiny black shoes -- got 'em. A fuzzy bunny sporran is what I don't have, the others, nice ones, are brown leather. And after all, if a man in a kilt is a man and a half, ought he really wear bunny? I just generally prefer browns over black. I want artificer to rebag my MOD cantel, and do new bags in prairie dog fur and bison, which is my idea of formal for a Plainsman. Wish I had one now, but it will come in time. Might check out a rental. Certainly don't want to wear the Prince Charlie with a tacky sporran. No doubt whatever I wear with the kilt will look nice, it's just that in such a public sphere I want to represent kilts wearing folks in a way that might even get a nod of approval from other kiltoids -- and that's about as close to being a total conformist as I want to get.