Highland games pictures - help please
As I posted earlier, I have been tasked with creating a website for our local highland games in south east Alabama. The event will be March 19, 2016 in Dothan AL. The website is www.WiregrassHighlandGames.com. Right now it s a countdown till we launch at the end of the month.
I am struggling with pictures for this site. I am asking if any X Marks members would be willing to share any pictures they have taken at a Highland games event? Please understand, that for legal purposes, I have to ask you for permission to use these pictures on a public website advertising a non-profit highland games event. I will also need as high a resolution as possible since some images I have to fill are over 1500 pixels wide.
I am looking for anything you have, pipers playing, any athletic events, etc. Thank you.
I do ask that images searched off the internet not be posted. I have found some GREAT images, but I can't use them since I cannot get permission to use them on the website.
Any questions, please let me know.
Last edited by vader7071; 1st June 15 at 09:57 AM.
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