Hello everyone, I have been wearing kilts for almost two years now and anytime I'm out in one I usually get some questions and comments (especially from the ladies) but they have always been nice and supportive. Tonight I ran into 'Joe Redneck' at the grocery store while shopping with my wife. When we left the store there were some very lewd comments about sexual orientation and name calling directed at me and my 'dress' from the safety of his pick up truck. I normally ignore people but for some reason I gave him the 'California Howdy' which didn't help matters, he finally drove off with a torrent of insults.
How often does this happen to members of our community here? I was curious how you deal with it. In Alabama I guess it is to be expected. I suppose I should have just ignored him and not even looked in his direction. I'm just a little dumbfounded by it.