Greetings All,

I have been searching, without success, for a local kiltmaker. So far as I can tell, this does not exist. There are a few across the border in Ontario, and a likely a good many to the east in Nova Scotia, but I really cannot find anything at all that does not require a long drive or a plane ticket to reach.
As many others here urge, I'd like to have my first tank made custom by a kiltmaker I can visit physically, to make sure the measurements are exact, for one, but also to have somewhere to go where I cannot be ignored if there is a problem.
Short of that, there are a few X-Marks vendors in Canada, who are surely trustworthy, but I do not want to be responsible for an ill-fitting kilt because I did not take the measurements correctly, or because I am not aware of how to measure for my particular body type. Because of where I need to wear the kilt (to keep it on the "sunny side" of my gut, the section of the kilt directly below the top straps would ideally be somewhat wider than right at the buckles...but then the hip measurement is smaller than both the waist measurement and the "belly" measurement, and I'm sure the kiltmaker him/herself would be the best person to decide how to proceed. Except I can't find one that doesn't require a significant voyage to get to!