Originally Posted by
I personally feel uncomfortable with wearing tartans of clans I don't belong to, but I wouldn't scream at anyone for wearing them.
I'm with you there. I've never owned a clan tartan kilt in a tartan of an unrelated clan.
Of course if you play in Pipe Bands you wear the kilt they give you! I've played in a couple bands that wore Clan tartans.
Thing is, there are so many nice non-Clan tartans nowadays to choose from: district tartans, national tartans, purely fashion tartans.
Here are a few:
Scotland Forever
Spirit Of Scotland
Scotland The Brave
Scottish National
Scottish Millennial
Scotland 2000
Scottish Pride
Scottish Freedom
Spirit of Bannockburn
Flower Of Scotland
Auld Lang Syne
Auld Scotland
Then regionalized ones
Isle Of Skye
Isle Of Arran
Western Isles
The trend with Scottish pipe bands has been away from the old Clan tartans and to these new tartans.
As I think everyone knows Cameron Of Erracht was the tartan created for the old 79th Foot in the 18th century and was a military tartan rather than a clan one. (Yes I know it acquired a clan association retroactively, which doesn't change its original meaning and function, to my mind.)
Last edited by OC Richard; 13th November 15 at 04:43 AM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte