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  1. #15
    Join Date
    23rd June 14
    La Vergne, Tennessee
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    Visiting Edinburgh and the weather has been cool and mixed sun and rain. It has been not nears as cold or windy as I expected. My son in law assures me that will change.

    We had lunch with one of my daughters friends Sunday and she told us the her parents were with out power for half of a day up on the Isle of Sky. I am sure it is much cooler that far north.

    I went up up to the castle yesterday and the wind at the top was pretty high. I had trouble standing.

    My my new granddaughter gets prettier and bigger each day. She has gained almost 3 lbs since birth last month. Nobody here has a problem taking youngsters out in the cold here.

    BTW: Somone was playing the pipes at St Vincent last night across from my daughters flat. The baby took no notice. I am not sure what the event was. St Vincent has been converted to a community center.

    I also saw saw a kilted chap on the bus today that did not appear to be heading to work. He was sporting a very nice Gordon Weatherd.

    Stay at warm and safe all.

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