Dear Great Rabble,

I have a funeral to attend for my grandfather on Friday, and will also be piping Amazing Grace and possibly a few other tunes at the graveside.

My question is on what should I wear. I basically have 3 options

1. Full Dress 1A (doublet, plaid, and accoutrement, horsehair sporran)
2. Black Argyle Jacket (with or without waistcoat, black fur sporran)
3. Lovat Blue Tweed Argyle Jacket without a waistcoat (I just have the jacket).

We are having a family dinner at 1200 with the services starting at 1400 (2:00 pm). The dinner prior to has me leaning against the full dress option. There will be full military honors at the graveside.

What option would you find most appropriate? If I was piping for a non family funeral then I would be wearing option 1.

Thanks for your input and advice.