10th Annual Burns Supper - Conyers, GA
TheScot (Jim) has found himself with pressing matters on his hands this year, and has asked for our help arranging the 9th Annual Burns Supper. I've started this thread to get the Georgia Rabble's attention and also let everyone know where we are. So far it seems to be me and Tripleblessed (Michael) doing most of the arranging, though I think Michael may be getting help from Wil.
You might wonder why I'm calling it the 10th Burns Supper when Jim referred to it as the 9th. When I was reading Jim's thread from last year (8th Annual Burns Supper) he mentions that he made a mistake and that 2015 was actually the 9th. This year being the 10th, I hope we have a good turnout and a rowdy (but well mannered) good time.
Following posts detail where, when and how much, the itinerary, who has volunteered and what we still need folks to do, and general questions.
Craig Jones
It’s a lang road that’s no goat a turnin