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  1. #11
    Join Date
    17th June 11
    metro Chicago, USA
    12 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
    As mid- goes to later afternoon, western burbs metro Chicago:

    Zero degrees (0) F, wicked west wind, chill factor -20 F (-29 C)

    Frostbite of exposed skin is a danger, even if the rest of one is bundled up. Electric gloves are in this opinion the only hand wear which can thoroughly protect fingers if one is out for very long. Fill your vehicle's petrol tank, add anti-icing fluid to same, run water through each faucet every several hours.

    It is "rather cold." And shall be colder, tonite. Those poor folks further north...!

  2. The Following User Says 'Aye' to James Hood For This Useful Post:


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