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  1. #1
    Join Date
    26th February 12
    Lake in the Hills, IL
    38 Post(s)
    1 Thread(s)

    Grainreaper in Atlanta, a recap..

    I want to say thank you everyone for meeting with me while I was out in Atlanta, Georgia! The hospitality shown me was wonderful! I had a fantastic time hanging out with you all, I hope to be able to get together with everyone on my next training trip. There is a lot of new technology in the works so I'm going to be back out soon I'm sure...

    Our first gathering was at the 'Brass Tap' craft beer bar in Dunwoody, their local beer selection was off the chain, and the food was tasty as well, I met the usual suspects and had a wonderful time, and boy does a kilt attract attention out there! Several ladies came up asking about the kilt occasion and complimented us on looking sharp, several men asked about where to get one and lastly we were chatted up by a gent from Britain who was happy to see the kilt out and about in his new home area.

    Next day we met up at Taco Mac in Cumberland, again there was fantastic food and quality beer to explore, more comments from passers by and employees alike... I'm so happy to have met you folks, and count you among my friends, anytime you are in my area do not for a moment hesitate to hit me up, we can hit the town, or pull up a chair for a home cooked meal.

    I would post up pics in a hot minute, but dinner is calling and I'm starving!

    Pics to follow!!
    "Everything is within walking distance if you've got the time"

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