I've Search the Site, but my searches really didn't bring up what I was looking for. So apologises if this question has already been asked in another thread.

I am probably going to get a Fly Plaid in my Clan Farquharson Tartan at a later date. I know they are only worn on Special Occasions, and I'd only be wearing it maybe once of twice a year. Though in Kitchener, there aren't too many places you can formally get dressed in Highland Dress to begin with....

My Question is, should the Fly Plaid be cut out of the Same Fabric as the Kilt is, or can it be from a different fabric for the Farquharson Tartan?. I've been searching the question online, and found sites that say it must be from the same fabric, and other that don't mention if this is a must or not. I haven't found any site that says it doesn't matter.

Any wise advice would be appreciate.
