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  1. #1
    Join Date
    8th September 16
    Sunshine State, Florida
    2 Post(s)
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    Let's see you kilts worn for St. Patrick Day celebrations;;;;;

    OK all,

    Don't know if they celebrate in Scotland, but do know we (Scots, Irish, and Welsh) do celebrate in North America, so do our Canadian friends Lets see your St. Patrick Day kilts:

    Here is mine, we through a small but fun party, almost all guests showed in in kilts...mainly the MacDonald Clanranald.

    Come on now, show you party finery....
    Allan Collin MacDonald III
    Grandfather - Clan Donald, MacDonald (Clanranald) /MacBride, Antigonish, NS, 1791
    Grandmother - Clan Chisholm of Strathglass, West River, Antigonish, 1803
    Scottish Roots: Knoidart, Inverness, Scotland, then to Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada.

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