Office gathering advice....
Greetings to all.......As I see, several veteran rabble are online, I'll ask for your input. In, about, 6 hours, we are headed to "SWMBO's" office gathering. Very informal, termed California Casual. The under 30 crowd
thought it meant torn jeans, spike heels & cleavage. They were corrected to, "If it couldn't be worn to work on a casual day, don't dare wear it". Outdoor setting, dinner, nothing fancy. The question, "Kilted, or no?" im thinking kilt (Johnstone), appropriate colour shirt, blue kilt hose, black sporran & shoes. The employers (Cardiologists) said no ties. They want to relax. To those that have gone kilted for many years, would I be out of line/place going kilted? A couple of co-workers have dated Scots. They attend localism Highland Games, & enjoy a good Haggis. Both will give the traditional hug, followed with "Longtime no see, nice legs". I've known them for years, &'know their sense on humour. As always, comments alway appreciated. Ta!
"I can draw a mouse with a pencil, but I can't draw a pencil with a mouse"