It is time to be thinking of Burns night and assembling the participants. @Creag @Wil @Wareyin @Catharps @thescot
More @ names to be added as appropriate, this is just to get some planning movement. We've demonstrated we can
pull it off in two and a half hours on a Thursday afternoon before the Friday or Saturday night; let's see if we can do it
at a more leisurely pace. Perhaps if we load up Jim's pm box and e-mail with 348 whines, he'll have to come up with a
more substantive excuse than "Oh, is it that time again already?" or "My wife has me busy vacuuming my sock drawer.".
Then we find out if we've been orphaned for real or if we can cajole him back into the fold.
Seriously, folk have said they want to attend, they want to participate. Let's call their bluff.