It really was...

on the weekend I took off alone to a place called Rocky Cape, just an hour away.

I was just a mile into a lovely walk along the rugged coast, when I saw a rocky outcrop on top of a hill, these rocks cried out " come up" , so I did, departing from the track I cut across low heather, along the ridge and up to this outcrop of boulders.

The wind was strong and pushed me back against the rocks at the summit. But the view was breathtaking.

So here I was, kilted in the wind, alone with my Maker and the Chieftains playing in my ear via a mp3 player, with such a view as these poor phone/camera images fail to convey.....i felt close to God and realised, as the early celtic saints knew so well, that 'close to nature, is close to God'.

As I ran back down the slopes I could but marvel at the freedom offered by wearing of the kilt, the connection I felt with my celtic heritage.
I thought of the film, Rob Roy and Liam Neeson running through the hills with kilt flying...

truly, a kilt is a connection, a celtic connection with a freedom that few ever get to experience, and when combined with good music and a fantastic location that is second only to Scotland...well, it simply doesn't get any better!

just thought I'd share......