As far as the length of a waistcoat goes, I suppose I'm being Captain Obvious by saying that it needs to be suited to the height of your kilt.
I'm a Pipe Band person and the bane of Pipe Band kits are people (usually the younger band members) wearing their kilts too low, so the top of their kilt is down around their hips rather than at their waist. If they have normal vests this creates a gap of white shirt showing.
So rather than pulling their kilts up, what many people in the US pipe band world do is order longer and longer vests. Most of the bands around here get their vests from Higgins, who make regular length vests, extra long vests, and extra extra long vests that come down to your crotch. Personally I think it's hideous.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte