Several months ago, I commissioned Mike McRae of Scotia Metalworks ( to make a replica of a cutdown backsword dirk with a double fuller and a false edge circa 1745, using ebony for the handle and replacing the normal brass with stainless steel. My clan chief's livery colors are sable and argent (black and silver/white). I also requested he fashion an engrailed cross shield on the pommel. This is my chief's undifferentiated arms, which he has granted Clan Sinclair organizations permission to use as symbols of Clan Sinclair. Overall length is 16 1/4" and the blade is 12" 5160 steel. The handle is ebony with thistle, triquetra, and celtic knot carvings. The furniture is stainless steel instead of brass, with a crescent shaped ferrule, a pommel cap with engrailed cross shield added, and a threaded tang nut. Here are some pictures: