Charles' tartans
I know I posted this photo, and Peter listed the tartans, on different posts in the thread The Kilted King in the Traditional Kiltwearing forum.
However I thought it would be convenient to have the photo, and the tartans named, together in a single post here in The Tartan Place.
Top row: 1. Duke of Rothesay 2. Prince Charles Edward Stuart 3. Royal Stewart 4. Lord of the Isles Hunting
Middle row: 1. Black Watch 2. Hodden Grey 3. Old Stewart (ancient) 4. Gordon
Bottom row: 1. Duke of Rothesay Hunting 2. King George VI 3. Hunting Stewart (ancient) 4. Dress Stewart 5. Balmoral
Last edited by OC Richard; 12th August 23 at 04:51 PM.
Proud Mountaineer from the Highlands of West Virginia; son of the Revolution and Civil War; first Europeans on the Guyandotte