This might not be a regular kilt issue theme, but as most of us kilties are partial to a dram or two, I thought I would sound you out on this...

I happened to be flicking through a back-number of The Scots Magazine (December 1971, to be precise) today, and came across a startling article.

Under the headline of 'Straight Malt' the writer recounts his recent novel experience of going on the first ever organised single-malt tasting.

Put on by the Spey Valley Tourist Organisation, this was the first single-malt tasting to be available to the public - with the aim of introducing malt whiskies to both the public and hoteliers alike, and so open up a new market.

Up until this time, most readily available bottled Scotch was blended, as quality standards, flavours, character, etc, could be controlled; whereas malts were less predictable and so were thought too risky to market.

Many of the popular blends available at that time are no longer seen, while the distilleries have widened their single-malt offerings to a bewildering degree. The days of having only the option of a standard ten- or 12-year-old, with maybe an 18-year-old 'rare' as the rich man's option, seem long-gone.

So how would you like to go back to a maltless time..?

What would be your blend of choice..?