So I dragged my wife, kids, and mother out to the 'fest at Valley Forge today. We stayed a good long while. Bumped into a lot of friends. Heard some good music. My oldest child finds she is now interested in learning Irish dancing and we got some info on local classes.

But the major excuse for going, for me anyway, was to see Gaelic Storm.

5:45, Gaelic Storm is scheduled to go on. We sit and wait.

6:00 rolls by.


The crew isn't doing much work on the stage. They don't seem very hurried. Many people standing, and have been all day. The kids start getting restless.

6:30 rolls around. No Gaelic Storm yet. No announcement about what the delay is. No effort to get other musicians up on stage to satisfy the huge crowd.

They punked out. They were completely unprofessional and are now on my list. They wasted my time and, had I not found a lot of other things to do earlier in the day, I would have considered it a waste of my money. Gaelic Storm is now on a short list of punk-out bands who I once loved but have lost any respect for their fans. This list started for me when Metallica went to war against peer-to-peer services. While I had owned every Metallica album and video before that fiasco, I haven't bought a single bit of Metallica merchandise since then.

Gaelic Storm behaved in a very arrogant and unprofessional manner tonight. They completely disrespected the many fans that came out to see them. They disrespected the event organizers who had a tight schedule of talent to bring on stage. They disrespected other acts that were slated to come on after them.

So 6:30 rolled around and nothing changed. I left the festival. There was only half an hour left in their set. Punks.

From now on, I will refer to them as Garlic Storm. And they don't get any more of my money.