As I was snooping ebay a couple of weeks ago I came across a couple of longer-length, maybe mid-calf kilt skirts in about her size for peanuts. I mean, we're talking scottish wool, two buckle closure skirts from Scotland for ten dollars or less. One gal who was selling wrote in that she'd bought it during a trip to Scotland but lives in Florida and never wears it.

I proposed to the Missus that we get her one. Her Black Watch kilt skirt, my Black Watch kilt, how revoltingly Bobsy Twins wholesome can you get? :P

No way sez she. All that plaid??? "NOBODOY looks good in all that plaid" she says, and then the killer, of course. "It would make me look fat".

Now, my lady is NOT fat. She dances four days a week and can backpack me into the ground. She's got a great figure. She'd look great.....but nuh-huh. No way is she gonna wear all that plaid. When I wear my Black Watch she bugs me to put a hat on so that I don't look "bottom-heavy". I think that's a laugh, but I'll humour her and wear the hat, usually.

How about it gents? Will your women wear tartan kilt skirts? You Lasses on the Board, do you wear one?