After speaking with several kilt makers, and conversing with several members of the board, I decided to take my fabric to Rocky and Kelly at USA Kilts for an opinion of it's condition, and if possible, a kilt.
Well, my heirloom fabric will remain just that for now, an heirloom. As Jimmy Carbomb mentioned, even very well cared for fabric can have issues. Seems that although these past 50 years or so have been rather gentle on the fabric color, it has not been altogether kind on the fibers.
The 50+ year old fabric has held it colors brilliantly, and matched perfectly the 16 oz wool sample in Rocky's book. However, there were a number of tiny insect and age holes where the wool had begun to open up a bit. And several areas that looked fine to me, but upon close inspection by a trained eye (Kelly's) had begun to deteriorate.
Basically the fabric was (and is) still whole, and is able to take a stitch, and Rocky did offer to make a kilt for me. But that was with the certainty that the fabric would not hold up well under wearing conditions for any length of time. And the kilt would end up being more symbolic than useful. Also, seems that what I have is a wool/felt mix, and in this condition, more suitable to make into a 'throw', or I can continue to use it as a Great Kilt.
Needless to say I was sorely disappointed, but I did end up ordering a traditional kilt in Mackay tartan from them anyway. So life is still good. Kelly and Rocky made all the hurt go away
Thanks to all who posted a reply, and to those who PM'd me. Thanks also to Rocky and Kelly for taking the time to be honest and point out and explain what they are seeing and providing me options. That is great customer service in my book. They could have made the kilt with no warranty, and away I would have went with my kilt that might have lasted a couple of years. Instead I have a new Mackay traditional on order, and look forward to buying from them again and often in the near future.
Brian Mackay
'Manu Forti'
"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way."
- Franklin P. Adams