First off, its technically not about kilts persay as a reference towards a prior post, about would any of us spend the amount of money we do on kilts as we would on pants.

I read an article in the NYTimes today that apparently people are spending well over 200-400 dollars for jeans, some even more than 600.

The reason people pay so much? To look distinctive. So myself says: "If im going to spend that much to look distinctive, I'll do it in pleats, thank you very much. At least then I know what I've bought takes an incredible amount of effort and I can't grab one off the rack, as opposed to jeans that anyone could alter in their free time.

Kinda reminds me of the manager of the SexPistols: he bought thrift shop clothes, altered them to fit the style of the day, and then sold them for 10x the cost. He then made a band to promote the clothes. When you need hand painted designs on your jeans, I think it's getting out of hand. I'll stick to kilts, thanks.

Feel free to move this thread to Off Topic, since technically there were no kilts mentioned in the article, but rather just sparked a thought from an earlier post.