
I've been wearing kilts and utilikilts for a bit now, my tartan kilts being mostly Black Watch, several of the Hunting Tartans, and so forth. Mostly 'Universal' tartans.

Now, however, I'm looking for my family clan Tartan, or at least the Tartan of the clan my family was associated with.

From the beginning: I'm descended from the Croftons on my mothers side. The Croftons are a anglo-irish-scottish family (isn't that funny? We got sent all over hell's half-acre in "service to King(Queen) and Country", and set up families all over britain). The Irish and English branches of the family, besides participating in several of the more successful battles of the Hundred Years war (and getting honors for it), were renowned as administrators and such, often recieving top commissions or postings directly from the reigning monarch.

However, the branch of the family that lives (and still lives, to some extent), in Scotland, had a large amount of men in the various Highland Regiments (most of them as officers of some sort).

I'm guessing my family wore whatever tartan was popular with the royalty of the time, but I'd like to know for sure; it would be very interesting to find out, I think.

Does anyone know of any research tools or texts I can use to aid in my search?