I refer to RKilts

Now this company had the gall to send, without any kind of formal request or solicitation, in the MAIL, samples of leather that this kiltmaker uses to manufacture leather kilts.

Does this company seriously think that once I feel the leather with my hands, see the gorgeous colours, smell the wonderful odour of the soft, smooth leather, that I will go out and actually BUY a leather kilt????

Does this company seriously imagine that I will envisage, from these small leather samples, a fully pleated, and beautifully soft and luxurious leather kilt swinging, perfectly crafted to my measurements, with leather straps and shiny buckles hanging about my person?

Now I ask you, what kind of fool do RKilts take me for?

I just feel that I should warn fellow members about this kiltmaker.

Anyway, there is NO danger of me being lulled into buying such a garment, chiefly because "she-who-must-be-obeyed" said to me..."you are NOT buying leather kilt, ARE YOU???"

I always get the last word in my household....."no dear".:mrgreen: