Hello all,

sorry to make my first post here a negative one but I felt I had to make a few points in reply to MacHummel's tale.

Firstly, it's barely comprehensible that anyone thinks they have a right to make an underwear enquiry to a stranger, a crime made worse by the opposite genders of the two participants in this bizarre scenario, not to mention the old harridan's reported indignation.

Secondly, can you imagine how society would interpret MacHummel's motives if he were to stroll round downtown Fergus politely interviewing randomly selected females on their choice of underwear on that particular day and offering approval or condemnation as the mood took him. I doubt if we'd see any postings from him for a while.

As a Scot (albeit living in England) I'm appalled by those people (usually Scottish), who've bought and read 'How to deliver unsolicited
kilt and Scottish related advice to complete strangers for dummies). If nothing else it's plain rude. All things considered, I think
MacHummel's approach was pretty good - but I'm not sure I'd even enter into a discussion on the subject with an someone quite
clearly a few tassles short of a sporran. There are any number of friendly replies to friendly questions but to be so personal is quite offensive...........right, I'm well out of breath here.

Sorry for the rant, nice to 'meet' you all

all the best
