No, this isn't some message about coming out of the closet regarding my hangers.....and get your mind out of the gutter...

it's about storing kilts. I'm using regular old pants hangers, and the problem is that they pull the pleats all kittywhompus around the buckles/straps because I have to fold the waistband over in thirds.. After hanging for a couple of weeks I have to re-iron the pleats around the sides of my hips or they look like the dickens. I even have a kilt-hanger from Stillwater, and what it is, is just an old fashioned pants hanger.

I don't have room to store them all laid out flat, which would be ideal, I think. They're gonna have to live in the closet. I *THINK* that an old fashioned pants hanger

like this:

only with the pieces of wood about 14-16 inches long instead of 8 would do it, but I've never seen such a thing. Anybody got any solutions out there?