As a Brit I'm impervious to-nay ignorant of your various state/regional differences: so will come back to the original point.

Firstly it is a fact that such a garment as the kilt will entail a certain risk factor: and everyone accepts that accidents will happen.

However there is something else, the kilt is the garb of a gentleman: and it is therefore incumbent upon the wearer to take every possible precaution so as not to give offence to others: be that in how they sit-wear or not wear underwear, and even the activities they engage upon whilst wearing the kilt.

To put this at it's bluntest-you'd not want your wife or mother to be subjected to the indignity of seeing my private parts-thanks to my lack of consideration. Well that is something which applies in respect of all ladies, regardless of their age or whatever.

So it is up to us as kilt wearers to behave with all reasonable decorum.

Sorry if the above appears uncompromising, possibly inhibiting to those who have only recently adopted the kilt. However it is the attitude taken by those like myself who have been wearing the kilt since childhood as a part of our proud heritage: for it is what we were taught by our parents, and it follows the example set by our peers-clan chiefs-elders and the like.

For to us the kilt is not just a sensible way of dressing, it links to something far deeper within our very being.
