Quote Originally Posted by Archange
...Those who have ever had to work out dress codes know that the frame of reference is a Wall Street suit... It is hard for others to see it challenged.
It would seem to me that the fashion dictates of the wall street model is starting to slowly loosen up a bit as an increasing number of men dispense with the necktie in the work place. It's a small change, but it demonstrates that change is possible. The folks with real influence and power are those in the music industry. The fashion changes they've influenced is incredible.

... There are two issues, at least, that keep coming up. One is that people who may be having struggles breaking away from the Wall St. model are looking here and seeing more limitations. Why would they take that step?
The pinstripe suit is basically a team uniform... the kilt is a banner of independence.

... How can we expect acceptance when we can be seen mocking other people's baggy pants, and other kilt/skirt concepts? If we ridicule those people, we won't have their support/tolerance. We need that.
I know what I don't like and could probably express disapproval without being derisive. As far as "other kilt/skirt concepts" is concerned, I really haven't concerned myself with that... kilts seem to be doing nicely on their own.