OK, I don't have the pics of me and me mate Phil at Phils' wedding yet, but I thought I'd mention this incident, which is the first where I was truly annoyed at someone regarding how they treated the kilt.

OK, we go to a wedding. I check with Phil and Joanne ahead of time to make sure they've got no problem with me being kilted at the wedding and reception. They're cool with it. Phil is going to wear a clan tartan vest with his suit, andhe looks really sharp in it. So we show up, me in my Bear Kilt MacNaughton, red tie, jacket, and flashes. My lady comes along too, looking sharp in a great purple dress. During the ceremony (very short) everything is cool. The mother of the bride gushes over my kilt. Afterwards one of the sisters of the bride berates Phil for not wearing a kilt...he responds with something about them not being wearable on motorcycles, to which I respond "sure they are....you get a lot of attention" and so on. A good time is had by all, in good humour. Phil and I have been sailing buddies for years, and I know lots of sailors/friends at the wedding.

After dinner, the dancing starts and I get down in my usual way, having fun. Along comes this woman, I have no idea who she is, with one of the little cheapo cameras that get distributed around the guests at weddings. She's trying to take pictures, looking up under my kilt!!! I swat her away once, good humouredly.

I take a break for cake and coffee with the missus, and she tells me "you know, someone just took a picture up your kilt." Apparently it was this same woman. Later on, she does it again, in fact she specifically stages herself against the wall near where we're dancing so as to get the best opportunity. I swat her away again. I made it patently clear that it wasn't appreciated, but she wouldn't stop. I noticed her drinking a bit earlier in the evening, but she very definitely wasn't really drunk. She just thought she was being funny.

What to do? I don't want to make a big old row over it at my friends very laid-back wedding, but I don't appreciate it. I let her know, twice, that it wasn't appreciated, but she would NOT take the hint. I thought hard about making solid contact with her forearms and hands the next time I swatted her away, so as to make it HURT, but I've got "issues" about hitting women over an issue as annoying, but not vital as this one. As it was, she got a couple of stupid pictures which won't show anything because it was too dark and I wasn't regimental, anyway..

My wife thought it was the tackiest of low-class things to do and I agree'd.

Honestly, I think she thought the kilt was hot and she, having her boyfriend there, and me being with my wife, this was the only way she could figure out how to deal with it. It's that or she's just terminally a jerkette of the first order, but I saw her earlier in the afternoon and she seemed very pleasant.

OK, so what would you do in this situation?