Well yesterday, the rentals arrived.

The boys immediately tried them on - and wouldn't take them off. There they were, running around the house all afternoon and evening, Black Watch kilts, sporran, and kilt belts, until almost 11:00pm last night.

We finally threatened them sufficiently. It's a strange thing to see a 20 yr old, a 14 yr old, and an 11 yr old bouncing around the house in kilts. I can't quite describe it.

Well, as you can tell, they loved them. I have to hide them now - I can't afford for them to get stained or something spilled or wiped on them before the wedding Friday.

They have all requested kilts for Christmas. Good for Rocky - he'll be getting orders shortly.

On another note, though I'm a newbie, I think this is my 100th post.

I have to go now - work, etc. Plus, I have to be back in time to keep them from finding those kilts.

What a problem to have!

I guess it really is Kilt day!