I'll check the board one more time today, but late-late tonight the wife and I hop a plane for Washington State. We'll be spending time at my in-laws house/cabin on an island in the South Sound and I'll have no computer during that time. Then, later on we're driving up to Port Townsend to spend a few days at the famous Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival.

For boat nuts, especially those who love the smell of cut cedar and the gleam of varnish, this is heaven. I love cold-molded boats, and I'm hoping that the famous John Guzzwell's "Endangered Species" will be there, as she's truly a gem. What would be wonderful is if he sails over "Dolly" his re-work of his famous "Trekka" that he sailed around the world in, solo, in the 1960's.


Any kilted brethren that happen to be in Port Townsend, keep an eye out for the tall, red-bearded, no-moustached, bald guy in the kilts, 'cause that'll be me. With luck *crossing my fingers* Steve from Freedom Kilts will be able to come over and we'll get together. I hope it works out, and if it does, pics will be taken!

Pics of Yours Truly, here!


See you week after next!

Alan H