Ron, you forgot to mention one thing in particular that meth does. Makes addicts turn in to child molesters. Something about the drug does something to the human mind that makes it's users find children sexually attractive. It's only know being taken seriously and only now getting officially documented and various studies are starting. A couple of folk have even been so bold to say that child molesters have a form of mental illness, and if they have found a substance that can turn on these sorts of thoughts (meth) then they could conceivably find a substance that may turn them off in the people that have them.

A couple of weeks ago they found a meth lab simmering away in the back of a child care center by a trailer park. These people thought they were so smart, that nobody would suspect a child care center to be purchasing large quantities of children's cough syrup.

If that lab would have exploded... **Shudder**

Sick. Just plain sick.