News and questions
Hello all!
The clock was ticking with the arrival date of sometime in October (hopefully in time for our anniversary). Suddenly klaxons began to sound and the numbers on the clock went blank to be replaced by the flashing words EARLY ARRIVAL: EARLY ARRIVAL! As I write this a 8 yarder is winding its way to me via UPS due sometime this week. I feel like a kid the week before Christmas time is at a standstill.
My question is this: the kilt is made from the MacNeil of Barra tartan (My wifes' clan of heritage) chosen by me to honor her is it proper or in good taste for me to wear my Clan Badge (Stuart of Bute) whilst wearing her tartan? Should I look to something generic in the way of a badge or forgo the badge altogether? Should I perhaps wear hers?
P.S. On another note I just made a very good buy on a jacket from Mark O'Connell
and I want to pass on the information that he still has two jackets and two kilts available at a very reasonable price. He can be contacted at to inquire about these and other items.
May all your blessings be the ones you want and your friends many and true.