Kilts in the office
So I have become an overnight convert and now am trying to determine how to let my empoyer let me wear a kilt to the office everyday. I am sure that I could have shown my colleagues and boss how tasteful and stylish kilts are by wearing one this past Monday on National Kilt Day, but at that point I had not received either of my kilts. I don't want to wait until next year's National Kilt Day, and I don't know of any other recognized day that would provide a pretense for coming in kilted.
I did read of one person's experience and approach to getting allowed to wear a kilt to the office, but I wanted to see if anyone else had tackled this project. Specifically, I work for one of the world's largest (we're #3) financial institutions, so I expect that I will run into some resistance due to the conservative nature of banking. I am also in a management position, which may help or hinder me, I can't decide which! Could anybody provide feedback on their experiences and approach to this, and include some details regarding the size of the organization, where located (are companies in some countries more open to this?), your level in the organization, and whether your focus is strictly internal to the company or you have direct contact, face to face not phone, with external parties.
I hope this is not asking too much. I don't want/need to know which company or confidential details, but hope to gain some insight on how to approach this.
Thanks in advance!
The kilt concealed a blaster strapped to his thigh. Lazarus Long