In keeping with Graham's chronicles of wearing the kilt anywhere, I thought I would share our weekend.

It started out on Saturday morning with a workout at the YMCA. Our 2 daughters are in daycare at the Y while my wife and I work out. Nothing unusual as I was in shorts when we went to the Y and while I worked out. After showering, I put on my SW nighstalker and then went to get the girls from daycare. As I was passing the workout room, a lady came out and turned in front of me. She was also on her way to get her son from daycare and did not look directly at me. At the daycare, she signed her son out and got ready to leave. I did no hear if her son said something, but she turned around and looked at me and said "You ARE wearing a kilt, I thought I just saw wrong and needed another cup of coffee!" I did not really have any response, although I did say that she was correct that I was wearing a kilt, but had to laugh.

Next we went to an open house for the local fire house. This is an annual event where they bring sponsors, like for smoke detectors, local gas company, etc. to promote the fire department and fire safety. Fairly large get together, and since we got there almost at the beginning, some people were wondering about the kilt. Most people were fine, enjoyed answering our questions about fire, smoke detectors, etc., and ignored the kilt, except for two people (both working booths) that asked where my pipes were! Now up to this point, that is the first time I have been asked that question. I have seen others say it is a common question, but I truly found myself put out and insulted! The question, in both cases, seemed to indicate that only a piper could wear a kilt, or if not a piper, then the wearer would have a good explanation for wearing a kilt. Maybe both individuals were hoping to get an answer to "the question" but both came across as rude and inconsiderate.

Anyway, they had a portable fireman's pole there which both of my daughters was the greatest thing going. They both climbed the steps 4-5 times to slide down the pole. While I was waiting for them to slide down and come back to the steps to climb up again, a gentleman wearing a professional camera approached me (5 minutes of fame I am heading your way!). He asked for my oldest daughters name (he had taken her picture sliding down the pole), and let me now that she might be in the paper wednesday or friday. Just goes to show that a cute 4 year old beats out a xx year old in a kilt any day for news!

Finally, we were getting ready to leave (after a cool fire demonstration where they burned down 2 simulated apartments!), and we all had to use the restroom. While I was waiting outside for my wife and daughters, an older lady (maybe 60+?) approached me (who we had seen earlier manning the 911 demo booth), and asked if I were Irish I responded that I was not, but that I was (likely) of Welsh descent. She said "Oh!" and then followed up with "You look handsome!"! Best experience since I put on the kilt. No subterfuge or snide remarks, just her own opinion of how I looked. I wish everybody could do this, even if they did not like the look, but could say so in an objective manner!

Damn, another mile long post and I did not even include going kilted to "Disney on Ice" on Sunday! Although, given the number of people and kids, my wearing a kilt was probably in 99th place!