I'm still on the lookout for a sgian dhub...I'm thinking that I can at least pick up one of the Cold Steel Cullodens at one of the army surplus/cop supply stores near here but the Culloden doesn't have much of a traditional look to it...the handle is something like Kraton (isn't that made from the horns of Naugas after they slaughter them and skin them for the Naugahide?).
I was thinking of getting a couple of the blanks from that blade company in Atlanta (?) and working on some of my own...VERY plain and the blades are carbon steel, so you can put an edge on them.
I'm sure that I'll find something but when to wear it? Frankly, you can't go anywhere with even so much as a freakin' swiss army knife on you without setting off somebody's metal detector. My favorite Wendy's in downtown Chicago was in a building attached to the Federal Building...eventually they set it up so that you had to go through security to get to the Wendy's...guess I'll have to settle for Burger King as I can't go anywhere without at least my little folding Kershaw and a Micra tool in my pockets. I can't think of any door-guy at any bar around here that's going to let you into the joint with a shiv in your sock. Guess that it's confined to wear at Highland Games only. I note that a lot of you guys live in less-urban areas where this is probably less of a problem.
Any of you lads had any circumstances where you've been asked to check the sgain dhub at the door?


auld argonian