.............but not at my home address!

Yes, my kilt-length of the "X Marks...." tartan has arrived at the south of England sorting office at Redhill, Surrey. I have just received a letter advising me that, if I send them a cheque for £33.55 (US$60.00)(Cdn$70.00) they will deliver it to me at the end of next week. The charge comprises, Import Duty, Value Added Tax and a ParcelForce fee for clearing the package through Customs! If I do not send the cheque, Steve will receive the package back again!! (Do not panic, Steve - I posted the cheque this morning!)

I really am on tenterhooks to see this unique tartan, and then to get it up to Edinburgh so that Geoffrey (Tailor) Ltd. can make me a fine 8 yarder kilt from it. With a huge chunk of luck I'll have it just in time for Christmas, but it's more likely to be sometime in January.

Has anyone else actually got their "X Marks...." kilt yet? I am sure we'd all like to see photos.