Black Stewart Graduation
I was in Portland today to see my older daughter graduate from Western Culinary Institute and decided to wear my new SWK Black Stewart. I also got a chance to try out my new sporran as well (first one). I wore them with cream hose, a cream shirt and a charcoal grey wool suit coat. (Camera with pics are in the trunk of my inlaw's car. I will try to post a few tomorrow).
It was held at the Portland Convention Center. Before the ceremony got under way, I was standing in the lobby waiting for my father-in-law to return from the loo and a man walked out of the ballroom toward me. I thought I heard the word "kilt". He made eye contact and approached me. In a bit of a brouge(sp) he said "that's a Stewart, a Black Stewart". I said that, yes, it was as he vigorously shook my hand, then asked were I was from. I replied, from Eugene. He said that was his family, Stewart.
It turns out he grew up in Glasgow and moved to Edinburgh as a lad. He emmigrated to the US in the 60's. He asked me if I played the pipes and I answered, no, but I just bought a practice set on eBay. He proceeded to pull out a picture of his son in full kilted (Black Stewart) splendor, with a winsome lass on his arm, from a prom or formal dance. I mentioned that a great aunt of mine was born in Bathgate, and he became more animated, telling me he had friends in Bathgate, which was down the road from him. He said his son was graduating too and had asked to wear a kilt in the graduation, but the school wouldn't let him. We chatted for a few more minutes and he had to run. He pumped my hand again and said bye.
I could tell that he was proud to see someone in his family tartan on a day that was all about family. I was sure proud of my daughter up there. She's had a tough row to hoe, subject to a few tough love episodes.
We ended the evening with dinner and tipping a few pints
to the graduate - it doesn't get much better than this! :smile:
Dale, One Proud Papa
--Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich
The Most Honourable Dale the Unctuous of Giggleswick under Table