...usually: the weather is nicer for sleeping, the water is low and clear so the flyfishing is tougher (but you've had all summer to practice the soft casts), and the canyon roads are still not too sandy from early snows (sportbike heaven). My one complaint is that when I walk into a store/mall/park someone asks me if I'm going to a costume party 'cuz of the kilt! I've started just saying "no, why? Is one going on around here?" Some folks get flustered, but some start asking about the kilt and the heritage. I had two little wizened hispanic ladies almost hold me captive in Foley's today asking me questions (a group, by the way, that at least out here takes their heritage quite seriously). Anybody else get this around Hallow's Eve?

Bryan...not complaining: it's a chance to educate the masses, right?...