As many of you know, I've been going to work kilted 2-3 days a week for quite a few months, now. Well, a couple of weeks ago one of the guys over in the Humanities Center discovered Utilikilts, and bought a couple. HIS friend, whom I also know well, is also interested. His wife is making him one and he's just sprung for a Stillwater Black Watch.

We're getting together for coffee at the coffee kiosk I keep writing about, roughly once a week to just shoot the breeze and yakk about kilts. Honestly, I think when the local guys notice a few of their brothers being kilted, and it's more than just one fruitcake (me) at the coffee shop or fixing computers, this might gather some momentum.

There's another kilt wearer on campus, but he's clear over on the other side, which is a 25 minute walk away. We might have to invite him over, though.