Hey Ranald,

I live on a place called "The Windy Mesa." Thought about those weights too...even went to WalMart looking for curtain weights.

Have done a lot of hiking in the boonies in the wind to get used to having the kilts fly around. Usually not as bad as I fear when the wind catches it.

Yet, don't know a kilt out there, that if the wind catches it right, won't fly up with the apron in your face and a free show below...freaked out some poor Navajo grandma at the Tuba City Swap Meet last summer.

Not sure I'd wanna get whomped in the noggin by those weights when they flew up.

Only thing that helped me was noticing that when its windy the ladies often walk with their arms straight down at their sides, sort of like a mobile position of attention, to keep their billowing Navajo skirts from flying up.

Figure if I can do that "butt sweep" when I sit down in a kilt I can hold my arms there too to keep the kilt down. Works for me.

Of course a 16 oz Strome kilt gives less trouble in the wind than a kilt made of synthetic material.

Don't have much problem with the UK Workman's or the Survival II when the little apron toggles are secured.

Who lives on a mesa between a deep canyon and a broad lake...the wind is almost always blowing.