My wife had an elderly client today that just had to tell about her Grandson.

Some background for those not familiar with the local Political scene.

The Premier (Govenor) of British Columbia is named Gordon Campbell. He and Larry Campbell (the former Mayor of Vancouver and basis for DaVinci's Inquest) have both been known to appear at the local Kilt Nights in full kilt of course.

Now back to the story:

It seems a 13 year old lad by the name of Johnathan MacDonald is a piper in one of the local bands and was doing a gig outside the Legislature buildings. Not sure what the event was, but every politician and every news camera seemed to be there.
After the music, the Premier looked over the crowd and spots young master MacDonald respendant in his kilt and full band regalia. The Premier strides down the steps and approaches the lad and holds out his hand hoping for a front page photo op.
Now according to the Grandmother, the lad, when spoken to, looks up to see the Premier beaming and holding his hand out, replies....."I'm sorry Sir, with respect, but a MacDonald would never shake the hand of a Campbell." And promptly turns with a swish of pleats and strides away.
It seems that among all the red faces, the boy's mother was heard to remark, "There goes a future life sentence prisoner or the future Premier."

I just couldn't resist sharing that. Those from BC will probably be the only ones to get the full impact.