Today being my day off, I was running a couple of errands - kilted, as is normal for me. The second store I stopped at, I rummaged around while the cashier was helping another customer and his son. Once they were done, she rang up my purchases and asked where I was going. Nowhere, just running errands, I replied. She insisted, twice asking if there was a parade somewhere I was going to. Even after I told her that I don't play the pipes (yet), she was determined I was going somewhere. She didn't quite believe that there are men who wear the kilt everyday.

Normal, everyday occurrence for everyone here, right?

I was in THE BRITISH SHOP in Buffalo, NY. I was purchasing winter weight kilt hose, after looking at all of the argyl jackets, kilts, and hose in the shop. The customer in front of me - while his purchases were being rung up, his son was playing the bagpipes in the parking lot.

(Side note - I can only hope once I start learning that I sound as good in a year as this kid sounded after two months.)

Of all the places to hear the "what's the special occasion" question, the last one I expected was in a store selling highland clothing.