I've looked and looked but cannot seem to find what I'm looking for on the internet.

While in the Marine Corps I "button-holed" my blues blouse to accomodate anodized buttons which would need to be removed whenever I sent it to the cleaners. This was done by stitching a small round button hole (about 1/16" ) and pushing the button "eye" thru the hole and slipping a "Split ring" thru the eye to hold the button. The weight of the split ring held the button fairly vertical (Eagles flying).

I purchased an Eton Tux jacket and have purchased some pewter buttons from Three-Feathers which I want to use on the jacket. I would like to button hole this as well. The catch is...the hole for the thread to pass thru on the button is horizontal to the emblem on the front. I'm afraid using the spit ring method here will cause the eagles to rotate under the weight of the ring.

I saw somewhere what appeared to be a plastic washer which slips over the eye of the button and then is secured with a clip or screw or something. I've also seen "Button Pins" which are simply safety pins with a bulge bent into them to accomodate a button.

Am I over thinking this? Has anyone seen anything like I'm describing? Also, does anyone know the angle and spacing of the buttons on a PC coat or Brian Baru. Does Pewter react negatively to steel if I use "split-rings"? A lot of questions but I'm sure someone here has tried this before