I am now coming to the end of making my first traditional styled kilt and have come to the conclusion that i need to have a sporran (in part to hold stuff as i didnt put pockets in the kilt and also as the fabric of the trad kilt isnt as stiff as that of the casuals its a bit more revelaing than i am comfortable with! )

So, I am now embarking on making my own Sporran - i like the challenge of making stuff instead of taking the easier route of buying... I have some very stiff textured leather at home (from am upholstery project) along with some softer garment leather (from a project that cannot be discussed in an open forum ) so i am pretty much set for materials. but figuring out the style is the tricky bit.

I have looked at a bunch of sites & prefer the Freelander styled sporran/pouch over the more flat fronted models. Is a freelander styled pouch considered too casual for semi-formal affairs (I have a Burns dinner to go to in a couple weeks that i am making this for primarily).

Also I have seen the sporran straps/belts and will be making/aquiring one of those (Thanks for teh suggestions togo with leather as opposed to all metal to save your kilts wear & tear) BUT i have also seen simple hanging loops that sit on either side of your belt buckle and hold the sporran (see here - 1/2 way down the page) ... any opinions on those???

any and all advice, suggestions & guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance
