Incentive to get more men kilted
Any ideas to promote the wearing of kilts? There are plenty of folks who own kilts and would not wear the kilt unless they were at a highland games, or clan event. Or men who own UK’s and would not wear them out and about for fear of being singled out.
I know there is a group of kilted men in NYC. Any more groups out there?
Here are a few ideas I can think of:
Any members of Celtic music bands or groups take $ off any kilt wearers who attend your performances.
Any owners or controllers, of establishments who serve food or alcohol take a $ off the bill of any one who attends kilted.
Any organizers of highland games, or Celtic events provide give-away, or prizes, for all kilt wearers.
Provide a photo bulletin board where all kilt wearers can be photographed and posted at the event, or on a web site.
“Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, taste the fruit, drink the drink, and resign yourself to the influences of each.” H.D. Thoreau